As the risks for cybersecurity increase, so does the demand for professionals in computing. By not attracting the right cybersecurity professional for your business can be costly and time consuming.
A recent article by Info Security Magazine highlighted the major shortage of cybersecurity professionals. Scouring the recruitment market showed just as reported. There is a massive need for skillsets in the technology sector, specifically for cybersecurity.
Posts advertised on social media by recruiters and businesses show a plethora of vacancies. Both large and small IT companies are hunting for the next best fit. This is great news for the sector and even better as people return to work wanting to move jobs. However, many online platforms where IT employers interact, echo how difficult it is to attract the right candidate.
For the smaller IT or managed service provider it can make or break their business hugely. All the hours invested into searching, interviewing and then training staff once appointed, to find that they are not the fit that the interviewer initially thought they were is a continuous conundrum. The cost of the above and then paying for the advertising whether completed in-house or, via recruiters can lead to thousands of pounds in costs. Let’s not forget once the employer finds that the candidate is not suitable it leads them back to working with a smaller team, if not on their own again.
How Does This Fit into Online Marketing?
There may be a shortage in this sector as reported by Chief Technology Officer of Utimaco, Nils Gerhardt however, this should fuel the business to be attractive to the best candidates.
Many IT businesses miss the mark of making their business appealing to potential candidates. This can be one of the easiest steps if you have your whole business strategy aligned with your marketing plan.
It’s not about just going out and advertising for the skill set needed. In todays market, reviewing your brand reputation and what the culture of your business is to an outsider is crucial. Who wants to work in a place with no onboarding or understanding of the business? Business owners should consider what the company brand looks like from the outside in. Does it have all the bells and whistles but no-one to testify what a great place it is to work in? Give thought to the tone of the business, is it just get on with it or, does it showcase the investment the owner is willing to make for the right candidate?
These are just some very simple questions to consider. However, there are a host of other questions to be answered and building your network is important. The above can be undertaken by reviewing your business and brand strategy and whether both are aligned.
It’s easy to put out an advert for the next best cybersecurity or IT administrative support employee, but to attract the right skillset and attitude of the future employee, the employer needs to get their own house in order. Costs and time can be saved quite easily and New Media Ghost can help you do just that.
By lining up the whole business operations can help attract the right cybersecurity professional for your business.
Note, New Media Ghost is not a recruiter. We specialise in managing digital presence for clients, building brand and business growth as part of their return on investment. We know how to align business and marketing so that you can attract the right candidate.