Have you discovered pinning hashtags on LinkedIn yet?
Pinning hashtags on LinkedIn is not available to all users apparently. I say apparently because I have checked other profiles and they don’t seem to have the option. For those of you lucky ones (including me), you may probably be wondering what it’s all about?!
LinkedIn trialled hashtags some years ago and it didn’t seem to work. Roll forward a few years and they have returned.
Like other social media platforms, it allows you to tap into conversations that are of interest to you. This enables you to block out the noise that you may not find relevant to you.
Hashtags on LinkedIn help to reach those outside of your network without the need to link into them. When you search for a hashtag it will provide you with people, companies and posts that are relevant to your search.
Why use hashtags on LinkedIn?
We like using them for our marketing strategy, to listen to conversations taking place that are relevant, and to focus on what we are working on by reading time relevant information.
How do you access it?
Log onto your LinkedIn account and you will be shown a list on the left hand column. This list is devised from you searches, interests, skillset and recent activities.
If you can see it, simply look for a title named #hashtags on the left bar, below your profile credentials.
Here is a step by step guide on using it, if you have access.
- Go to the left hand bar titled ‘Your communities’
- Click ‘Discover more’
- You will be presented with a range of hashtags relevant to your interests and feed
- Choose those that you want quick access to
- Click back and return to ‘Manage communities’ tab on the left hand side
- Click the pin of the ones that you want to see at the top of your feed
- When you click any of these hashtags you will see relevant information on that particular hashtag easily.
If you want to learn more on why you should use LinkedIn hashtags and to help with reaching your business goals, contact New Media Ghost. You can visit our LinkedIn profile.