What’s the future of the UK workforce?
LinkedIn is one of my favourite social media platforms and this week some interesting stats were reported on the future of the UK workforce.
With all this data it is frightening to think the professional talent pool in the UK is diminishing.
They have stated that the last year has seen a drop in professionals coming into the UK from other countries by 20%. It seems the UK is not as appealing as it once was according to the 28% of recruiters that they surveyed.
That’s not the only problem the UK may face, as the talent in the capital, London is losing out to other countries. (The Finance sector hub in London is no doubt going to face some of the changes that have been made due to Brexit).
It’s great the public sector is leading the way with some markets, such as public administration and education, however healthcare seems to be continually struggling as Europeans leave.
The report also tells us that hiring in the Mining and Energy sector has fallen, as well as corporate services and entertainment (total 24%).
These facts are worrying especially as the BBC reported in February, a rapid increase in unemployment in the UK over the last 5 years.
Brexit may be the catalyst for this, however now is the time to pool together and work at building the UK and not continually challenging the decision that has already been made.
With the above information, I think this is the time to attract inward investment with the talent pool that we still have, whilst we still have it. Encouraging the future entrepreneurs of the UK is a focus that the government needs to invest in.