Social Media for Politicians and Business Owners
I need to practice what I had preached at the Women’s Enterprise Network (WEN) workshop in Wales. Social Media for politicians and business owners was an interactive day and thoroughly enjoyable. I asked the mentees to ‘keep blogging and make it regular’ – if you have interesting content, use it in your blogs!
What is their aim?
The aim of WEN Wales is to ensure that the voices of women and girls are heard by decision makers in Wales, the UK and internationally.
As part of their work, WEN Wales run the Mentoring Programme. Aiming to get more women, and more diverse women, into public and political life. A cohort of 26 aspiring women are taking part. There are a number of highly influential women acting as mentors and supporting the scheme. Participants include Members of Parliament, Welsh Assembly Members and Councillors, through to Chief Executives, Business Owners and Board Members.
Taking part will enable women to develop their political skills, increasing the impact and influence they can have on political and public life. You can read more about The Women’s Enterprise Network (WEN’s) work.
What did we learn?
The workshop was hands on, just how it should be. We discussed how to build personal brand and make the most out of online networking, considering the pitfalls and how to utilise online opportunities from social media for politicians and business owners.
Included in the sessions were hot topics on how our digital footprint and its affects being in the ether can affect anyone. Being controversial was a great stimulator at the workshop; as a result, we discussed how to handle unwanted behaviour from cyber bullying to trolls. Continue to read the top tips on handling cyber bullying.
For future workshops or bespoke workshops for your organisation, contact us.